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Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Decentralization Implementation in Saudi Arabian Educational System: A Qualitative Study, Mohammed Alaklabi
Examining Social and Academic Integration of International Students from Saudi Arabia and Mexico Attending Universities in the United States, Faisal Alqadiri
Cultural Influences on Leadership Practices: An Examination of Culturally Diverse Leadership Influences During Organizational Change, Christopher Fairbank
Effects of Meat Attachment and Social Normative Messaging on Consumer Acceptance of a Blended Plant-Forward Sausage Patty, Benjamin Garza
Exploring the Drivers of Innovation in the United States, Juan Keanu Garza
Physiological Positioning and Its Effects on Seated vs. Standing Workers, Carlos Gautreaux
Faculty and Graduate Students' Practicum Experiences and Challenges in Digital Environments During the Covid Pandemic: A Qualitative Instrumental Case Study, Mary J. Guerrero Munoz
Exploring Effective Leadership Qualities of Rural Hospital CEOs: A Qualitative Investigation, Karl Hittle
Spectacles of Security: Deconstructing Visual Narratives of Operation Lone Star, Terry Kincer
Transport of The Fluorescent Substrate ASP+ by Organic Cation Transporter-3 in Human Corneal Epithelial Cells, Jeremy Laws
Addressing Transportation Equity for Local Populations Using Emerging Technologies, Marcus Peoples
Financial Self-Efficacy Among Puerto Rican Women in the United States: An Ethnographic Action-Based Research Study, Melinda Jimenez Perez
New Visual Electrodiagnostic and Psychophysical Techniques to Enhance Occupational Performance and Clinical Diagnosis, Erica Poole
You Can't Sit With Us: A Textual Analysis of Racial Hostility in the Sarah J. Maas Fandom on TikTok, Ebony Purks
Subjective Experiences From the College Remedial Student, Deborah A. Quinones
Unlocking the Nexus: Ownership Structures, Nursing Staff, and Quality of Care in Nursing Homes - A Quantitative Study, Paget Rawlins
Examining the Impact of Workplace Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Programs on Marginalized Groups: A Focus on LGBTQIA Employees, Lisa Garcia Rodriguez
Entrepreneurship Education: Understanding the Lived Entrepreneurial Experience of Community College Students in South Texas, Hussain Y. Sama
Entrepreneurship Education: Understanding the Lived Entrepreneurial Experiences of Community College Students in South Texas, Hussain Y. Sama
Synthesis of Poly-N-Methylated Peptides Against Malaria, Kaitlyn Watson
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Medicare Shared Savings Performance: Three-Year Pandemic Analysis, Bryan Adams
The Relationship Between Leadership Style and Faculty Members’ Job Satisfaction at King Abdul Aziz University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, Abdulrahman Alotaibi
Central Activation of ORL-1 Receptors in Heart Failure Models, Jeffrey Angell
The Impact of COVID-19 on Hispanic Restaurants in South-Central Texas: A Qualitative Study, Javier Apolinar
Feel the Burn(Out) and (Mom)Guilt of Doctorate Programs Amongst Latina Mothers: A Testiomonio Reflection, JudyAnn Armijo
C-7 Functionalization and Preparation of Analogues of Artemisinin, Melinda Baldwin
Mentorship in Academia and Career: A Scholarly Personal Narrative of a Latina Millennial’s Experience, Alyssa S. Cortes Kennedy
The Principal’s Role as Mentor in New Teacher Attrition Rates: The Importance of Teaching Teachers, William Dockery
Impact of Indicators on Hispanic Student Postsecondary Stem Success, Sandra Durden
Examining High School Girls’ Experiences in a Global Leadership Program: A Constructivist Grounded Theory Study, Erika Haskins
Equalizing Community Voice in an International Service-Learning Project: A Narrative Inquiry of a Social Entrepreneurial Peruvian Women's Group, Monica D. Hernandez
Voice: The Views of Informal Caregivers and the Elderly: A Qualitative Study of the Post-Hospital Experience, Nekilee Hughes
Testimonios of Latinas in the Federal Government Senior Executive Service: Honoring Women Who Excel in Public Service, Amarylis Lopez
Where are all the Latinas in Information Technology? Understanding and Engaging "La Fuerza Potente" of a Powerful Demographic, Diana Orozco
Impact of Career and Technical Education Among High School Students in Texas, Tammy Ridgway
The Importance of Contrast Sensitivity, Color Vision, and Electrophysiological Testing In Clinical and Occupational Settings, Frances Silva
Understanding the Significance of Building a School in Belize Through Action Research, Stephen Todd Speer
Qualities of Effective Saudi University Presidents, Ziyad Sultan
“No Ways Tired”: Exploring the Lived Experiences of African American Women Who Pursue Their PhD After the Age of 50: An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis, Doleatha J. Thomas
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
The Impact of E-Service Quality on the Customer Satisfaction of Electronic and Small Appliances Online Shoppers in Saudi Arabia, Majed A. Almobarak
Latinas Abriendo Caminos: Stories of Latina Women to the Doctoral Degree, Jessica Ballesteros
Factors for Success of International Female Doctoral Students in Science in the United States, Maria Patricia Cantu
CEO Characteristics and Compensation in Fortune 100 Companies, Adam C. Carroll
How Romantic Relationships Impact Athletic Performance in Student-Athletes in Higher Education; A Regression Analysis, Heriberto Justin Chacon IV
An Autoethnograpy of a Baby Boomer in Higher Education: Challenges and Catalysts for Change, Deborra Finlan
The Black Male Triumph Story: Successfully Achieving Graduate Degrees, Albert Charles Furlow III
U.S. Army Physician Assistant Retention: A Latent Class Analysis, Robert Greener
The Role of Student Services in Student Retention: A Case Study of a Ugandan Private University, Olive Kajoina
The Successful Military Retirement Transition: A Phenomenology of a Journey to Becoming Full, Ann Lee
Impacts of Granite Quarrying: The Case of Subsistence Farmers in the São Pedro River Valley, Isabelle Poupard Santizo
Nursing Students' Knowledge of and Attitudes Towards Near-Death Experiences, Laura Lee Varela
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
The Correlation Between Dietary Intake, Stress, Food Insecurity, Physical Activity, Sleep, and Screen Time in College Students During Covid-19, Mariana Alves Olguin
Belief and Belonging: A Case Study of the Maronite in San Antonio, Texas, Rose Karam
Exploring the Factors That Affect World Anti-Doping Code Compliance: An Analysis of Peru’s and Bolivia’s National Anti-Doping Organizations, Francisco Javier Leon Cannock
Basic and Applied Studies of Human Visual Function: Implications for Visually Demanding Occupations, Julie Lovell
"You All Look Like @wolfiecindy:" The Homogeny of Facial Self-Presentation Among Female Instagram Users, Kelly McGinty
The H.E.R.O. Within: An Examination of Psychological Capital and Intent to Graduate Among Doctoral Students, Tiffany Stange
Effectiveness of Goal Setting on Teacher Evaluation, Julie White
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Learning About Two Immigrant Families' Educational Experiences and Educational Needs for Cultural Transmission From Trigenerational Family Storytelling, Kimvy V. Calpito
A Narrative Inquiry Exploring the Experiences of Latina Entrepreneurs in South Central Texas, Alma Fernández Villanueva
A Study of Familial and Cultural Factors Which Contributed to Degree Attainment for Nine South Texas Latinas, Maria Mendez
Examining Follower Perceptions of the Relationships Between Public Sector Leadership Behavior and Personality Traits, Robert Perez
How Leaders and Employees Experience, Make Sense of, and Find Meaning in Humility, David Perryman
The Effect of Faculty Leadership Style on the Results of Student Evaluation of Teachers, Sadeq Sohrabie
Effect of Protein, Fat, and Both Protein and Fat on the Glycemic Response of a High Glycemic Index Meal, Muhammed Taai
Integrating the Mission and Identity of Catholic Universities: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Academic Lay Leaders, Thomas Varkey Thennadiyil
Through the Lens of Latinas: The Influences of an Out-of-School Time STEM Program, Chaoyi Wang
A Basic Interpretive Study of Co-Teaching Perceptions: Collaboration of General and Special Education Elementary School Teachers, Lawrence White
Working Relationships Among Supervisors and Interns in Virtual Internships, Phillip D. Youngblood
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Biotransformation of Praziquantel by Cunninghamella elegans, Umbelopsis ramanniana, and Yarrowia lipolytica Metabolism, Samuel Chivers
Refugee Livelihood: Understanding the Vocational Training Experiences of Foreign Refugee Women Living in Malawi, Mary Patricia Davis
Learning Styles of Generation Z Latinos: A Mixed-Methods Exploratory Study of Two Cohorts of Business University Students, Angela Guzman Palacios
A Grounded Theory Study of Senior Leader Experiences and Perceptions of Unplanned Turnover, Jarrad L. Hinojosa
Public High School Principals’ Perceptions of Leadership Strategies for Improved School Performance, Christine Keyser-Fanick
Exploring Chinese International Degree-Seeking Students’ Perceptions About Their Acculturation in the United States, Tereza Korousová
Biotransformation of Natural Antioxidants Osajin and Pomiferin by Cunninghamella Elegans (ATCC® 9245TM), Stephen Luis
Effect of Resistant Starch on the Glycemic Effect of a Meal, Sofia Maragoudakis
Screening of Crude Microalgal Extracts for Antimicrobial Activity, Patrick Matulich
MED12 Mutations Promote Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer Through Hyperactivated GLI3/SHH Signalling, Soundharrya Muthukumar
Predictors of Overall Personal Achievements of Nigerian American Graduates Living in Four Texas Cities, Amos Obiefuna
Implementing the Patient-Centered Care Paradigm in an Academic Research Environment, Fernando Orgas
Affordable Care Act and Preventive Care Usage: A Mixed Method Analysis of Cardiovascular Care, Brit Peek