Date of Degree


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)




Alfredo Ortiz


Emma Santa Maria


James Simpson


This study was inspired while I was researching other studies on employee motivational factors for non-profit organizations. I stumbled across the employment factors of Latinas in IT. This led me down a path of researching numbers, facts, organizational campaigns, and employment statistics. Latinas represent only 1% of the IT workforce, despite educational and organizational hiring campaigns and efforts. This led me to further inquire: What are the obstacles, what are the motivators, what is the solution and finally how would the resolutions be implemented? With many qualitative and quantitative studies that identify the deficiency, there has been little done to move the needle on improving that 1%. My desire is this study is to provide answers to the Why so we can then move to the How. Relevant theories that influence the issue will be briefly reviewed and later expanded upon and compared to the findings. As applied to Latinas, the theories and concepts that influence motivators and obstacles are Bandura’s self-efficacy, Hofstede’s cultural dimensions, and marianismo. Other theories that are considered to influence Latinas’ way of thinking are Chicana feminist epistemology, which encompasses many of the predominant concepts in Latinas’ ways of knowing. By comprehending the distinctions of how Latina self-efficacy is achieved within the challenges of culture and gender, work programs can better formulate their hiring campaigns to meet and engage this growing demographic where they are, potentially increasing qualified and educated Latinas in their talent pool. With regard to how we can motivate Latinas to enter IT, if we do not adapt to them, we will not attract them.
