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Theses/Dissertations from 2019
A Grounded Theory Study of Orientation Leaders' Perspectives on the Impact of Their Involvement in Orientation, Rochelle Ramirez
Success Profile: A Case Study of the African-American Women in the President's Office, Pamela Ray
Leadership for Promoting Sustainable Development: A Study of Nongovernmental Organization Leaders in Haiti, Adelin Rival
Balancing the Demands of College and Athletics: First-Generation Female Student Athletes’ Perception of the College Experience, Adrienne Rodriguez
Preventive Healthcare Usage in the United States: Does Health Insurance Matter, Diane Rodriguez
Understanding Employee Engagement: A Mixed-Methods Study, Joren M. Scharn
Ozone Induced Effects on the Mammalian Visual System, Jordan Wetz
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Motivations of NCAA Student Athletes in Community Service, Karen Boleska
The Closing of Inner-city Catholic Elementary Schools and the Impact on Community: An Ethnographic Instrumental Case Study of Two Neighboring Communities, Ana Maria De La Portilla
Organizational Leadership Preparation: An Exploration of Recently Ordained Roman Catholic Priests, Michael Drumm
Child-headed Households in Rural Zimbabwe: Perceptions of Shona Orphaned Children, Eucharia Gomba
K–12 Campus Communication: An Insiders’ View From the Southwest, Melissa Gonzales
En Sus Propias Palabras: Testimonios of Latinas in Elected and Appointed Office, Andrea Guajardo
The Initial Planning Process of an International Service-Learning Pilot Initiative Under Development, Denise P. Krohn
The Effects of Fashion Trends on the Perceptions of School Uniforms, Christiana Lazarine
The Impact of the Via Bus System on Food Deserts, Emily Maddox
Officer Use of Force: A Multicase Study of Institutional Betrayal, Margarita McAuliffe
The Development and Integration of Community Engagement in Graduate Education, Patricia Noske
The Role of Mentoring in the Development of Minority Faculty in the Texas State Higher Education System, James Onyeneke
Map of MathWorld: Identifying Core Practices for Successful Supplemental Instruction of Community College Math Students, Shannon A. Patterson
Fashion Patternmaking Book Instructions in Spanish, Yessica N. Prieto
A Practitioner Inquiry of High School Teachers’ Experiences Participating as a Community of Practice, Joe Don Procter
The Sport Commitment Model’s Effect on the Participation Frequency and Purchase Behavior of Golfers, Kevin Rubel
Superando Barreras: Exploring Barriers Mexican-American Women Overcame as They Pursued a Higher Education, Emma Santa Maria
Early Oral Feeding After Bowel Resection, Jennifer Strang
The Arrival of Generation Z on College Campuses, Nicole Trevino
Primary Care-Related Emergency Department Use, Tiffany Wetz
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
English Language Learners: English Language Proficiency Level Effect on Testing, Martha Alonso
The Impact of Culture on Hispanic Entrepreneurs as Mediated by Motivation, Challenge, and Success, Valerie V. Ballesteros
The Impact of Lean Startup Theory Upon Local Business Entrepreneurs, Gary Boyd
Spirituality in a Faith-Based Institution: Faculty Experiences of Facilitating the Spiritual Development of Students, Darlene Carbajal
A Basic Interpretative Study of Educators in the Childcare Profession: Collegiality as a Base of Job Satisfaction, Lynda Yvonne Cavazos
Relationship Between Generations of Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurial Traits, Ihsan Eken
Teacher Retention in Zimbabwe: Love for Teaching or Incentives?, Clifford Gomba
Effect of Postprandial Walking on the Glycemic Effect of a Meal: Type I Diabetes, Samantha L. Hinojosa
Exploring the Educational Experiences of Students of Mexican Descent with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Status, Elizabeth A. Holbrook
How Decision Makers Learn to Choose Organizational Performance Measures, AnneMarie N. Hooge
An Exploration of the Math Names for Numbers: An Early Childhood Mathematics Intervention, Suzanne Magargee
Added Sugar Consumption Among College Students, Maram Murad
Learning to Heal: The Impact of a Restorative Justice Program on Crime Victims, Jacquelyn P. Poplawsky
Call Center Experience Optimization: A Case for a Virtual Predictive Queue, William Pugh
Civic Engagement and Service Learning for Medical Students: A Phenomenological Study of Transformation, Roy Rodriguez
Teaching and Learning Courageous Followership: An Action Research Study, Karen Walker Schwab
Dopamine Levels in the Brain of Rat Models of Human Rheumatoid Arthritis, Amelia Stinson
Preliminary Analyses of the Diversity of Soil Microbes on the Campus of the University of the Incarnate Word, Viridiana Wheeler
An Investigation of the Levels of Pro-Inflammation Cytokines in the Brain of Autoimmune Lewis Rats, Han Yang
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
The Numbers Game: What an Un-Predictive Ability of Success in First-Year Mathematics Courses and Subgroup Bias Mean to Students at Hispanic-Serving Institutions, Jayme Gonzales Agozie
Preliminary Examination of the Bacterial Diversity Harbored by the Pill Bug (Armadillidium Vulgare), Sondos Alhajouj
The Effect of Varying Environmental Conditions on the Growth of Stenotrophomonas Maltophilia, Norah Alqahtani
Investigation of the Enviromental Factors Associated With the Temporal Abundance of Lutzomyia Anthophora on a Ranch Near Poth, Texas, Maha Alshhrany
The Relationship Between Body Mass Index, Fitness, Socioeconomics, and Academic Accountability School Rating: A Texas Study, Serena S. Bahe
The Impact of Short-Term International Volunteers on the Capacity Development of a School for Students With Disabilities in the Caribbean, Edwin L. Blanton III
Quality Improvement Programs’ Contribution to Successful Clinical Practice Changes, Erika O. Bowen
Blended Learning: Institutional Frameworks for Adoption and Implementation, Anida Duarte
Saudi Women Studying in the United States: Understanding Their Experiences, Trinidad Macias
A Case for Spiritual Change Readiness: A Correlational Study, Wanita Nicole Mercer
Values Education in Bangladesh: Understanding High School Graduates' Perspectives, Leo J. Pereira
Alumni Commitment: Exploring the Process of Transition From Participants to Donors, Tina Siller
Evaluating a Chaplain Corps Change Initiative: Examining the Relationship Between Change Beliefs and Job Satisfaction, Steven Thomas Sill
Personal Decision Factors Considered by Information Technology Executives: Their Impacts on Business Intentions and Consequent Cloud Computing Services Adoption Rates, Marcus Lee Smith Jr
Breaking Television News: Is Social Media Coverage You Can Count On?, Eileen Canosa Teves
Pastoral Leadership Experiences and Organizational Outcomes in Contemporary Catholic Communities: The Clerical Perspective, Justin Mathias Udomah
Enabling Change: Faculty and Student Perceptions of Blended Learning, Ronald Washington
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
The Effect of Asian Students’ Culture on Perceptions of Blended Learning Instructional Design, Pei-Hsun Chin
An Assessment of the Relationship Between the Hospital Chief Executive Officer’s Leadership Behaviors and Hospital Success, Newton J. Courtney
Second-Billed but not Second-Rate: A Reappraisal of Three Character Actors From Hollywood’s Golden Age, Candace M. Graham
Comprehensive School Reform: A Study on the Effectiveness of the High Schools That Work Program in Texas, Kimberley Michelle Irving-Conaway
Cost Accounting in Bangladesh: Use, Value, Obstacles, and Education Needs, Ebadul Islam
Ethnic Identity Among Maronite Lebanese in the United States, Charles H. Khachan
Ethics of Thailand's Tourism Industry, Ganjanaporn Lertpipat Luther
Examining Student Course Outcomes in First Year Anatomy and Physiology Using E-Books Versus Traditional Textbooks, Howard Marquise
Duty Hour Limitations and Educational Outcomes: Perspectives From a Community Hospital-Based Family Medicine Residency Program, Maria Eliza Marquise
Experiences of Women Entrepreneurs: An Interpretive Study, Mary McGall
Mental Health Clinical Managers and Their Multicultural Leadership Practices, Christie Marie Melonson
Perspectives of Hispanic Men Who Overcame the Odds to Become Senior Leaders, Esequiel Jose Mora
Success and Persistence of At-Risk Students in Summer Bridge Programs and Semester Developmental Courses, Patsy Jean Newborn
Online Versus Face-To-Face Nutrition Courses at a Community College: A Comparative Study of Learning Outcomes, Solomon Kumbong Nfor
Mentoring, Job Satisfaction, Job Dissatisfaction, and Organizational Commitment Among Graduate Nurses, Abisola Adeyomibo Santos
Learning Preferences and Perceptions of Undergraduate Mathematics Tutees, Matthew Edward Shirley
Fall Prevention Among Older Adults Living in the Community, Clarissa Silva Lopez
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Oral History of Professional Theater Beaders in New York City, Mary Lalon Alexander
Experiences in Embroidery: Stories from the High Fashion Embroidery Industry, Theresa Christine Alexander
Self-Esteem of Boys During the Transition From a Single-Sex Middle School to a Coeducational High School, Patrick Atkerson
Diversity Programs: Learning and Effectiveness as Viewed Through the Eyes of the Diverse, S Michelle Cox
Contemporary U.S. Expatriate Artists in San Miguel De Allende, Mexico: Challenges of Transnationalism and Acculturation, Andrés Gamón
Effect of Whole Beetroot on Muscular Endurance and Power in Powerlifters and Physique Competitors, John H. Jewett
Consequences of Destructive Leadership Through the Experiences of Millennial Followers, Rhonda M. Martin
Happily Ever After: Is Disney Setting Us Up? A Study on Disney Princesses and Their Influence on Young Women and Their Personal Love Narratives, Brittany Danielle Minor
A Retrospective Observational Study of Maximal Enteral Nutrition Rates in a Burn Patient Population, Stephanie Phillips
Leader-Follower Unity: A Grounded Theory Based on Perceptions of Leadership and Followership Experts in the United States, Evgenia Prilipko
Perceptions of a Learning Management System: Acceptance, Usefulness, and Usage Among University Undergraduate Faculty, Duane E. Ramirez
The Impact of Generational Differences on Organizational Relationships: A Communication Perspective, Mecca M. Salahuddin
Expanding Human Capabilities Through the Adoption and Utilization of Free, Libre, and Open Source Software, James D. Simpson
The Generational Divide: Generational Differences in Psychological Capital, Heather Staples