Date of Degree


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)




Holly B. Cassells


Barbara L. Herlihy


Mary Elaine Jones


Sara E. Kolb


The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of a culturally sensitive educational videotape on the knowledge of prevention of Type 2 diabetes after pregnancy, in pregnant gestational diabetic (GDM) women over 18 years old, who attended the Diabetes in Pregnancy Program at a university health center in a large southwestern city. Mexican American GDM women have a high risk for Type 2 diabetes, 80% in 5 years if their diabetes status is reclassified pre-diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance during their early postpartum exam (Kjos. 1995). But the return-to-clinic rate for the women who attend this clinic is 17.6% for the post partum exam (Conway, 1999). Research Design, Sample, and Methods—Forty-six Mexican or Mexican American GDM women were recruited into this quasi-experimental study. Subjects signed a consent, filled out a 13 question demographic questionnaire, completed a 27 question knowledge pre-test, watched a 23-minute educational videotape in Spanish with English subtitles, and re-took the knowledge questionnaire in one clinic visit. The informed consent and questionnaires were in both Spanish and English. The educational videotape, demographic and knowledge questionnaires were investigator created and validated during the study process. The educational message of the videotape was the importance of making lifestyle changes for prevention of Type 2 DM. It took a life stage approach with the child reminding his or her mother to take care of herself. Results—The knowledge instrument had a Kudor-Richardson reliability coefficient 20 score of 0.7896. The comparisons of the pre and post intervention knowledge scores were done on a 21 item test with the mean paired difference of the post test percent score and the pre test percent score of 11.08% (SD 13.58) and a 2-tailed significance of p<0.0001. The study hypothesis, use of an educational video about Type 2 Diabetes risk factors was positively associated with increased knowledge levels in Mexican American women with GDM, was supported with the data.
