"The Exploration of the Relationship Between Taiwanese Executive Leader" by Hsin Kao

The Exploration of the Relationship Between Taiwanese Executive Leadership Style and Knowledge Management Practice in Mainland China

Date of Degree


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)




Annette E. Craven


Absael Antelo


Nursen A. Zanca


Joseph W. Eyles


This research investigated the possible relationship between leadership style and the practice of knowledge management by Taiwanese executives in high-tech companies in the Kun-Shan area of China. This study used a quantitative research methodology. The Leader Behavior Description Questionnaire (LBDQ) was utilized to measure executives’ leadership styles and the State of Knowledge Management: An Assessment Questionnaire was used to measure executives’ practices of knowledge management. Four types of executives’ leadership styles were constructed according to different combinations of consideration behavior and initiating structure behavior (telling, selling, participating, and delegating). Demographics included gender, age, title, level of education, years with the present company, years of leadership with the present company, and years of total leadership with all companies. Data analysis included descriptive and inferential statistical techniques such as means, frequencies, percentages, Cronbach alpha, standard deviations, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, regression, one-way ANOVA, two-way ANOVA, and S-N-K test. The results showed that there were significant positive correlations between executives’ leadership styles and knowledge management practices, and between executives’ leadership styles and demographics. Moreover, there were significant mean differences in the selling leadership style and executives’ title, age, years of leadership in the company, and years of leadership in all companies. The significant mean differences existed in different leadership styles and practices of knowledge management. Besides, selling leadership style related to high use of knowledge management. Executives’ leadership styles affected the practices of knowledge management as well as the Taiwanese economic system.

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