Date of Degree


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)




Jimmie Lee Hughey


Mary Lucy Corcoran


The purpose of this paper is to describe the ultrastructure of the chorion frondosum of the baboon fetal placenta at or near term gestation. There is a void or, at best, only limited ultrastructural information in almost all fields of the biological sciences. The area of placentation is no exception. Since the ultimate goal of many scientific endeavors is the contribution to the vital field of human health, this investigator feels that much information can be gained through the utilization and study of the nonhuman primates in scientific research. The baboon (Papio sp.) has been shown to be quite similar to the human from many aspects. Some work has been done on the biological structure and ultrastructure of primate fetal placentae, however, most of it has been limited to man. Ramsey and Harris have reported their observations on the macaque fetal placenta. The literature on the histological structure of the baboon placenta during the fetal period of gestation is also quite limited. Breschet and Turner reported limited observations on single specimens; Coventry described the placenta of a baboon killed at 4 months of gestation; Hilleman described a specimen obtained near term; Houston and Hendrickx have reported their observations on the fetal vasculature of full-term baboon placentae; and recently Houston reported a detailed consideration of observations on the development of the baboon placenta during the fetal period of gestation. As can be noted, the literature on the histological structure of the baboon fetal placenta is limited and there have been no reported observations on the ultrastructure of the baboon fetal placenta. Several detailed considerations on the fine structure of hemochorial placentae, especially of the human placenta, have been published and are useful in the comparison of the baboon term chorion frondosum with that of the human. It is felt that the ultrastructure as well as the histological structure of the nonhuman primates must be investigated and described. This would benefit not only comparative studies, but also basic research by contributing to our foundation of knowledge. Only in this way can the bases be set from which other scientific researchers can investigate and elucidate the normal as well as the pathological processes involving and/or related to placentation, and ultimately contribute these to the benefit of man. The purpose of this paper is to describe the ultrastructure of the chorion frondosum of the baboon fetal placenta at or near term gestation.

Previous Versions

Jun 11 2018 (withdrawn)

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Biology Commons
