Personality Traits and Their Relationship to Leisure Motivation and Leisure Satisfaction in Southern Taiwan University Students

Date of Degree


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)




Bill Carleton


Annette Craven


Dorothy Ettling


Timothy Henrich


The primary purpose of this study was an investigation of the possible relationship of the five-factor model of personality and the leisure motivation and satisfaction. The secondary purpose was to understand the differences between demographics (gender, student classification, TV watching time, and leisure participation time) and the five dimensions of the five-factor model of personality, leisure motivation, and leisure satisfaction for university students in Taiwan. Six hundred university students were asked to participate in this study; 485 students ages 18 to 28 completed the questionnaire for a response rate of 80.8%. The results showed that (a) there were significant relationships between dimensions o f the five-factor model o f personality and leisure motivation, (b) there were significant relationships between dimensions of the five-factor model of personality and leisure satisfaction, (c) there was a significant relationship between leisure motivation and leisure satisfaction, (d) there were significant differences between dimensions of the five-factor model of personality and selected demographics, (e) there were significant differences between components of leisure motivation and selected demographics, and (f) there were significant differences between leisure satisfaction and selected demographics. The findings provided both theoretical and practical contributions to the academic community as well as to the leisure services profession. This research contributed to the understanding of the relationships among personality, leisure motivation, and leisure satisfaction. Such an understanding is useful for guiding the design and evaluation of leisure and recreational programs.

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