Date of Degree


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Religion (MAR)


Pastoral Ministry


Eilish Ryan


The purpose of this pastoral project is to develop a "catechesis directed toward families." The underlying principle of this pastoral project is that family catechesis is the work of the entire parish and that, as stated in the General Directory for Catechesis, family catechesis must proceed, accompany, and enrich all forms of catechesis. This project will be directed toward sixty families of Cristo Rey Parish in Austin, Texas during the Fall semester of 2001. It will consist of six, one and one-half hour sessions to families. The sessions, conducted in Spanish and English, will include experiences of prayer, large group discussions, family sharings and interactive activities, all with the emphasis on unity and communication. This project will be a collaborative effort of Fr. Larry Mattingly, pastor; Fr. Jayme Matthias, assistant pastor and resource person; Sr. Guadalupe Medina, youth minister; Sr. Sylvia Castillo, DRE; and myself, Sr. Emma Stefanoni, project coordinator.
