
Medical Subject Headings

Toxoplasmosis, Ocular; Toxoplasmosis, Congenital; Pregnancy Complications, Parasitic


Background: Toxoplasma gondii is a parasite estimated to affect over 500 million people worldwide. The feline is the definitive host for the parasite and infection may be acquired or congenital via maternal transmission. Humans may acquire the infection by ingestion of raw or undercooked meats and vegetables, contaminated water, or exposure to infected cat feces. The infection is often benign, self-limiting, and asymptomatic for humans, but potentially life threatening to infants or the immunocompromised patient.

Case Report: A 22 year-old Caucasian female, pregnant at 12 weeks gestation, presented to the optometry service with acute symptoms of hazy vision and a new gray stationary blind-spot in the inferior field of vision of the right eye. Clinical picture led to diagnosis of reactivated ocular toxoplasmosis.

Conclusion: Ocular toxoplasmosis primarily affects the retina, producing a retinochoroiditis with resultant scarring and potential blindness. Treatment with a combination of antibiotics and steroid may be required. Allergy history and current pregnancy were important factors to consider when determining treatment of our patient.

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