This article investigates transforming teenagers through the process on integrating and implementing social justice concepts and principles into Catholic youth ministry and Catholic secondary and higher education. The essay addresses four aspects concerning social justice and Catholic young people: (1) it briefly studies the ecclesial documents concerning social justice and young people, (2) it looks at integrating Christian social justice concepts and principles into Catholic ministry and academia, (3) it examines the benefits of social justicelearning initiatives, and (4) it discusses two types of social justice-learning initiatives that work well in Catholic youth ministry and Catholic education-- praxis-based education and immersion trips. “I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. That is why right temporarily defeated is stronger than evil triumphant.”i Martin Luther King, Jr. Nobel Prize for Peace Acceptance Speech December 10, 1964
Recommended Citation
Canales, Arthur David D. Min
"Transforming Teenagers: Integrating Social Justice into Catholic Youth Ministry or Catholic Education,"
Verbum Incarnatum: An Academic Journal of Social Justice: Vol. 4, Article 4.
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